Is it okay to be afraid? I whisper,
my words slipping out unintentionally
as lightning illuminates an angry sky
and thunder explodes like circling cannons.
Sails down, we huddle in the companionway,
knowing the mast on our sailboat
is a conduit for the electrical fury raging
above Lake Michigan. This unforeseen
wall of weather on the water
is inching closer, winds building
off the stern, swells rocking the boat
and challenging the autopilot for control.
A pounding rain reverberates
off the fiberglass and a misty fog
swallows the shoreline.
One lightning strike could
destroy navigating instruments,
punch pinholes through the hull,
explode the mast, electrocute one
or both of us. Miles from harbor,
there is nowhere to go.
His eyes are gentle as he answers my question.
Only two seconds between the last flash
and the trailing thunder.
The strike was a half mile away.